Wednesday, 21 October 2009



the 3 botakzz

the last guest who came that night...

friends of Hisham..thank u 4 d help guyzz..

usulnya c-baju merah atu..mcm tuan sdh nie...

suweeetttt (^_^)

with my x-students..mmm muda2 sdh bilang urg..melating =p

last but not least,,sumone came that night jua..thanx a lot my dear friend..jgn jaraaa aaa,,sygnya ea nda mau bgambar klw nda masuk ni dah dlm ani ehehe jgn marah... =)

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Raya with them them them :p

Baharu's place

Iskandar's place

Hjh Raieda's place

My lil' angel

Hjh Rosleyana's place

Madee with d gangs,,thanx 4 coming =)

Monday, 19 October 2009